Hidden Gems

Someone gave you this day. He chose the weather and knew it would be best for this very season and the wildlife and plants. Someone gave you the breath you just took. Someone paid the price so you could walk Heaven’s road and make it there someday. Someone waits there with open arms, just for you.

It can get wearisome- the endless tasks, the busy schedule, the never ending social responsibilities. I try to just keep going. Just do the next thing. I forget that Someone cares. I forget that there’s a smile that needs to be spread. I lose my enthusiasm for social.

So eventually, I need something to change. For me, it’s a change that has to happen inside. The outside things don’t really grind as much when the inside is in place. I’m finding out that if I want to find something to complain about, there’s always something. But. There is always ALWAYS double the things to be thankful for. It’s when I start looking around and behind me at the shadows instead of looking up into the Light that I begin to lose all my strength. When I turn my face into His Light, the shadows cannot be seen. Instead, my life can become touched by the warmth and light I feel. A deep contentment settles inside when I realize how very little of this world I need. I see just how much I’ve been given. A home, a family, a sunset, a sliver of moon, a hug from a school girl, a song, a friend who reaches out, a butterfly, a dahlia.

Someone looked at the world and saw that it needed you. He saw how much light you could spread to others. Someone took His paintbrush, dipped it in the gold and scarlet colors and painted that sunset. He knew it would make you happy. Someone has your days all planned, perfectly arranged in the order He knows will be best. Someone will help you through.

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